Bought a Lemon? Help is available!
If you have a dispute not matter what, seek Expert Professional help. Legal help is seldom useful, usually very expensive, never recoverable and at time counter productive.
We provide "Expert Opinions" on any new car issue that may arise. We recently assisted with recovering $20,000 from a Manufacturer that sold a car that developed Rust after 3 years.
We are currently assisting with the proceeding against an importer that sold a new car even though it had suffered frontal impact damage which was not declared.
The question is how can we help you?
- Initial Phone Consultation is Free
- Inspection of vehicle, consultation and standard (pre-hearing) written report (not suitable for NCAT/legal proceedings)
- Expert written report (suitable for NCAT/legal proceedings) - (only available with pre- hearing report and inspection)
- Tribunal Attendance POA